Sodium Cyanide
CSBP owns a 75 per cent of a joint venture with another local WA business, Coogee Chemicals, to produce sodium cyanide under Australian Gold Reagents (AGR).
For more than 31 years, AGR has been manufacturing and supplying sodium cyanide in solution form and, since 2003, in solid form. Sodium cyanide is used to extract gold from ore in mining operations throughout the world.
AGR sodium cyanide is transported via truck, rail, or ship to mining operations locally, nationally and overseas to more than 25 countries throughout South East Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Middle East.
AGR produces about 90,000 tonnes per annum of sodium cyanide solution, and more than 40,000 tonnes per annum of sodium cyanide solid.
CSBP has built a strong and enviable reputation for AGR of being a reliable supplier and manufacturer of sodium cyanide, with an uncompromising focus on safety, technical support, training, storage, and transport management.
It is now one of the world’s leading suppliers and manufacturers of sodium cyanide for use in gold extraction and is a founding signatory of the International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI).